another damn long day!!!!
i seriously spend very little time w my family nowadays. D":
went "funny" farm today agn!
and FAILED the test agn..
as usual uhh.. :l
no point taking the test
thn went eunice's house at ard 12.
did the science project in less thn 1 hour? =X
i got a free lunch! {special thks to eunice's mum}
and a free ride! {special thks to eunice's dad}
yeah, jack, congragulations for passing your cook2! :D
went to meet huimin at tiong
saw debbie and win before huimin came.
i got a free sweet talk! {special thks to huimin}
thn met jeremy for the cardboard thing for science project.
and he was so willing to pay for the ex cardboard! $3.15 ea.
thn slacked ard w huimin
and went home! :D
pictures agn! :DDDDDDD
some of them are requested by EUNICE!
so, eunice aft you read my post must tag uhh! :D

I, myself is singing this song sincerely.
But still, its requested by Eunice:
Tag reply:
Yeah! Hahs. ;D
#Soon, everything will be gone. D":
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